Sunday, November 10, 2019

The Black Handkerchief

 The Black Handkerchief

     The claim that cats have several lives is found in many cultures.  Shakespeare said cats have 9 lives.  Arabic legends say 6 lives.  Spain says 7.  An old adage says:  "A cat has nine lives.  For three he plays, for three he strays, and for the last three he stays".

     Though nimble, quick, cunning and part wild this claim is obviously false.  Falling cats usually do land on their feet and even from a great height seem unhurt.  But they only have one life.

     How about people?  Do any of us have 9 lives?  The Bible is very clear, “We die only once, and then we are judged.”  (Hebrews 9:27, CEV)

     Yet for some people, Guardian Angels work extra hard to prevent them from dying multiple times.  Let me introduce you to Rocky... he kept his Guardian Angel working overtime.

     It was a while before I met Rocky.  His wife, Molly, and daughter regularly attended the services.  In fact, Rocky’s Dad was also active in the Church.  He and I meshed.  He would give the proverbial shirt off his back to any needy person.  I learned that Rocky had quit coming to church because he believed he found God when he was out in the woods.  He thought that was all the religion anyone needed.

     He ignored the pleas from his family.

     After church one Sunday Molly told what had happened to her husband that week.

     “Near a logging town, a log truck crossed the center line and smashed into his VW bug.  The logger, fearing the worst, stepped down from the cab and ran to the bug.   But when he pried the door open Rocky got out unscathed.”  Molly continued, “None of us could figure out how anyone could survive in that smashed VW.”  She asked for special prayers that Rocky would thank the Lord that he was spared and come back to church.

     Was he in Church that next Sunday?  No.

     Later in the Summer Rocky was setting choke for a log company when his boss screamed "Look out there's a log coming down the hill."  Rocky was only able to fall flat on his face awaiting the deadly crush, when he heard a loud thud and then something flew right over him.  His boss said, "I thought you were dead as a doorknob.  But that log hit that boulder and flipped it right over you.  You must be doing something right."

     That evening Rocky’s Dad said, "Son...God is talking to you.  You need to repent and return to Him."   Was he in Church that next Sunday?  No.  So Rocky's minister dropped by the house and urged him to make a u-turn and give his life back to the Lord.  But Rocky was stubbornly ignoring the Grim Reaper.

     His Mom stopped by early Sunday and asked Rocky to please bring his family to church that day.  After she left he began loading his car... not with his family but with outdoor gear.  Molly begged him to go to church with her and their daughter.  Instead he said, "It's a beautiful day... I'm going fishing."

     When he got to his favorite spot he was irked as someone else had grabbed it.  He went back to his car and drove a short distance before parking.  Pulling his hip boots out of the trunk he hiked through the thick brush.  He found a place with a sandy beach island a few yards away from land.  He slipped his hip boots on and stepped into the frigid river.  Feeling his way gingerly he suddenly lost his step and fell backwards which allowed the swift river to fill his hip boots and tumble him down the, rock strewn river.  Over and over he fiercely was knocked from rock to rock.  Blood ran from his battered arms and head.  Had it not been for an overhanging tree branch he would have been a goner.

     At midweek Prayer Meeting I heard the most jaw-dropping prayer request made by Rocky's Mom.  "Dear Heavenly Father, please do whatever it takes to get my Son to repent and come back to you."

     Four days later my heart raced when Rocky’s Dad stood behind the pulpit.  He held up a small grocery-type paper bag.  From the bag he pulled out a black shriveled up piece of material that was about the size of a large handkerchief.  Grief stricken he said, "Yesterday my Son went to his brother's place to fly model airplanes.  They were laughing and partying as Rocky said, ‘Look at how high my plane can…’”

     “But … but... he never finished as his model airplane struck a high voltage wire... and a crack of lightning-like bolt knocked him to the ground... stopping his heart and scorching his body.  He was burned so severely it looked like a giant blow torch had burnt him.”

     “His brother screamed for help and tried administering first aid.  But pieces of Rocky's skin came off in his hands.  Still his brother kept trying to bring him back to life.  When the ambulance arrived Rocky had a pulse... but it was weak and very erratic.”

     Dad choked up trying to say more, so our Minister took the sack and said: “Bystanders said there was a thunderous clap and a lightning bolt.  They couldn't believe their eyes.  They saw Rocky sizzled on the ground. "This," as he held up the black-looking hanky, "is all that remains of the jeans he was wearing."

     After church the Minister asked me to go to the hospital with him.  I had never seen anything like it.  Rocky was covered in some type of medication and the color was horribly indescribable.  I was mute and overwhelmed seeing such a wounded body.  The Minister said, “Well Rocky I hoped you'd come to your senses.  But, now look at you.”

     Rocky couldn’t open his eyes and his mouth was swollen beyond recognition.  Yet he whispered, "I am returning to Jesus... I don't want to burn forever as I am now.”

     The doctor wouldn't give the family much hope that he'd survive the horrid trauma… ”He has second and third-degree burns over 70% of his body.”

     I later was told 15% of people who were electrocuted by a high voltage power line died instantly.  And nearly 40% of the survivors had damaged organs, heart arrhythmia and required multiple skin grafts.

     Several years later, Rocky kept his vow and enrolled in Bible College and, the last I knew, he stayed true to the Lord from that moment on.

     Rocky had refused every opportunity to turn back to the Lord.  The consequences of his stubbornness could have been death.  “Whoever remains stiff-necked after many rebukes will suddenly be destroyed—without remedy.”  (Proverbs 29:1, NIV)

     However, God gave him another chance to yield because, “The Lord is not slow about keeping His promise as some people think.  He is waiting for you.  The Lord does not want any person to be punished forever.  He wants all people to be sorry for their sins and turn from them.”  (2 Peter 3:9, NLV)

     Along life’s way I’ve met other Rockys.  Some of them changed before it was too late.  But others made foolish, life-costing choices.  This is proof that Satan is active at his work to destroy us anyway he can get it done.

     Each of us needs to deeply appreciate that our God tries incalculable ways to bring us back to Him.  “All of us must die eventually.  Our lives are like water spilled out on the ground, which cannot be gathered up again.  But God does not just sweep life away; instead, he devises ways to bring us back when we have been separated from him.”  (2 Samuel 14:14, NLT)

     Rocky’s Guardian Angel saved him from dying in his VW Bug, from the log crushing him, from the raging river and from electrocution.  How true is that oft-quoted verse: “And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God,...” (Romans 8:28a, NASB) 

     Rocky’s scars will one day be removed and he and his family will be reunited where there is no pain, tears or dying.  Thank you Rocky for finally turning tenderly back to the Lord.

     “Yes, this is our God, our great God forever.  He will lead us onward until the end, through all time, beyond death, and into eternity!”  (Ps 48:14, TPT) 

Softly and Tenderly
by Selah

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  1. What a God-honoring yet frightening story. It sent chills throughout me. Your stories always squeeze my heart. They're spellbinding. - Ruth Vail

  2. Yes, indeed, what a story! I am reminded of Psalm 136 where the theme of each verse is "His love endures forever" (NIV) or "The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness." (Lamentations 3:22-23 ESV). How encouraging is this to know that we ourselves and our loved ones -- even when we/they sin -- are loved unconditionally and forgiven upon repentance.

  3. i encourage all to check out this site, of my is very encouraging reading and uplifting. may you all be blessed. Nancy Ellis

  4. My husband has many Inspiring Stories from his years of Preaching and Counseling ... Check them out and your heart will be glad that you did. Peggy Smith
