Friday, March 13, 2020

Wrapped In His Loving Arms

Wrapped In His Loving Arms

     A while back I was preaching in a small town where only about 2,300 people lived.  I set out to make a personal call to each family inviting them to church.  I knew it would take some time but I put one foot in front of the other and got at it.

     After a few months I'd reached most of the town and I needed a boost.  My shoes were nearly worn out but the church wasn't flooded with new folks.  It was on a Tuesday morning I prayed for that lift, "Heavenly Father ~ please lead me to someone new who needs the gospel."

     I spent the early part of the day working on Sunday's sermon.  Then, with my wife and little girl, we drove out into the country to have dinner with a church family on their farm.

     On the way home the car coughed and sputtered and ran out of gas.  We coasted to a stop on the edge of the gravelly country road.  It was just getting dark but my wife recognized just where we were.  She said, "That's the graveyard!"   Her nerves were frazzled and she didn't like being stuck next to a cemetery.

     Trying to allay her fears and our little daughter's I said, "I'll hurry in to town - there's a gas station about 2 or 3 miles from here.  It won't take me long."

     I had only gone about a half mile when a car pulled along side of me.  "Do you need help Sir?"

     Embarrassed I told them I'd run out of gas.

     They said, "C'mon, we'll take you."  He opened the door and stepped out of his 2-door Chevy Bel Air coupe to let me get in.  I crawled in and sat on some cardboard as the backseat was missing.

     They were a young couple.  Married a year ago and expecting their first in 3 months.  I instantly liked them.  David and Connie had just moved here from out of state and were living with his mother and brother in a mobile home.

     I asked where their mobile home was.

     They chuckled, "Our house is out in the boonies and that horrendous thunderstorm last weekend caused a flood that washed our access bridge out.  Now we've got to drive an extra mile up to the next county road and come in from the back side."

     Dave turned into the gas station and pulled up to the pumps.  I climbed out and before going inside turned and said, "Thanks so very much for helping me.  I can make it from here."

     Instead of driving off Connie said, "Oh No, we're taking you back to your car."

     So I got the gas can and they drove me to my car and waited until it started and we were able to head to the station.  They followed us all the way.  I gave them a big wave when they left.  It wasn't until later that night that it dawned on me.  I told my wife, "You know what...I prayed this morning that the Holy Spirit would lead me to someone new today.  And He just did."

     We both began praying for Dave and Connie and for wisdom to know just how to proceed.  And the Lord provided the plan.

     I knew just where the washed out bridge had been as the local radio station had broadcast it the day after the thunderstorm.  Midday Saturday we bought a gallon of ice cream and headed to find their mobile home.

     When we pulled up on their lot they warmly greeted us. We spent a couple of hours sharing stories and eating ice cream.  Dave's mom was really special and his brother was a prince of a man.  Before we left we invited them to church.  I had brought a brochure about an in-home Bible study series and offered to share it with them.  All four of them said they'd really like that and also wanted to visit the church.

     The four of them showed up Sunday morning and from that moment on they attended the services regularly, studied the Bible videos and were immersed. 

     Following this I marveled at God's unique timing: If we hadn't run out of gas ~ ~ If they hadn't just moved in  ~ ~  If we hadn't taken ice cream ~ ~ I praise the Lord today for directing the path to their conversion. 

"Don’t overlook the obvious here, friends.  With God, one day is as good as a thousand years, a thousand years as a day.  God isn’t late with his promise as some measure lateness.  He is restraining himself on account of you, holding back the End because he doesn’t want anyone lost.  He’s giving everyone space and time to change." (2 Peter 3:8-9, MSG)

     Thank you Lord for giving these 4 Eternal Souls space and time to become Christians.  Now they are wrapped in Your loving arms.

Michael W Smith
Mighty To Save

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