Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Do Angels Work At Night?

Do Angels Work At Night?

      We spent two sleepless, muggy nights in an Iowa church camp. It was so hot in our cabin. I could not sleep. No windows. No fan. Definitely no rest. My weary mind cried we'd be better going home in our air-conditioned Oldsmobile than sweat like this. But home was over 250 miles away in Missouri and the night was so dark. I wrestled with the decision.

      Having decided, an adrenaline surge propelled me and we loaded the car. My wife in the front seat and tiny daughter and sister-in law in the back. I prayed, "O' Lord please keep us safe and free from car problems." Leaving the campgrounds I turned the A/C on.

      It wasn't long before they were asleep. Fast asleep. At first I felt confident this was a wise decision. The odometer paced mile after mile. It was a while later my eyelids got heavy and I fought dozing off. "Please Father - I am so exhausted... keep us safe," I whispered.

      Sometime later, as the Olds sped down the old county road, I failed. My eyes closed and I nodded off. Then the noise - of tires on gravel - awakened me. Braking fiercely we lumbered to a stop. Shaking my eyes open I groggily struggled out of the car. Then I heard a sound. What is that? Was it a voice?

      "Are you OK?" asked a deep voice. Looking around I couldn't believe where we were. We were on a graveled lot beside a busy highway. Then the man came across and excitedly said, "I saw you coming and it didn't look like you were going to stop. So I stopped for you."

      I thanked him and looking around began to realize I'd driven past a stop sign and crossed the highway. As he turned to leave he smiled and said, "I didn't think you'd want to run into me."

      Chills running down my spine I watched him hoist himself up to his seat in the truck. It was an 18-wheeler gasoline truck and trailer.

      Just try to convince me that our Lord doesn't protect us in His wondrous ways.

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  1. You have always had such a good memory and been such a good storyteller, Dad. I love it and I look forward to reading more!

  2. Oh, I love hearing you tell these old stories!! Too often we take for granted the "coincidences" or "lucky" things that happen in our day-to-day lives in stead of acknowledging how mysteriously and miraculously God works in our lives!!
