Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Faster Than Immediately

Faster Than Immediately

     Let me go back to a time when I was a bit younger. I had resigned my ministry and had experienced some incidents to which I reacted poorly.  I grew discouraged and before long I was staying away from family, friends and missed some church services.  But then a series of events occurred.

     First I received an unexpected phone call.  "Larry, I'd like you to preach this Sunday night as I'm sick."  It was from the senior minister of a large church.  He had been my mentor earlier in life.

     I was speechless.  I didn't feel worthy to preach to others when my head was so messed up.  But he was the one person to whom I could never say No.

     I knew before I'd get up and preach I needed to get my heart in tune with my Lord.  I knelt and prayed confessing to God that I was essentially back-slidden and ashamed of myself.  For most of a day I prayed over and over for a second chance.  I read Scripture. Listened to gospel songs and prayed some more.  Then I fell asleep.

     When I awoke Saturday I felt humbled and unsure of what to preach.  Should I use an old sermon?

     I prayed for guidance.  Then, it was almost like a voice in my soul, Preach on "Does God Give Second Chances."  It was clear the Lord wanted me to give my heart fully back to him and He wanted me to share with the audience that He is all about second chances.  And third.  And fourth.  And ...

     So I began preparing the message.  I was led to a passage in Luke 22:31-32 that became my text.

     “Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift all of you as wheat. 32 But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.”

     This moved my heart dynamically.  Here Jesus told Peter that he was going to be tossed around by Satan (which he was and denied Jesus three times).  But then I saw the most awesome words from Jesus to Peter:  "And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.”  Hallelujah!  The Master told Peter you're going to get another chance.  Turn back to following me and strengthen others.

     Now I knew the Lord was exhorting me to return in fullness of faith and get busy strengthening others.

     Sunday night when I stood behind the pulpit I felt renewed and uplifted.  As I began I noticed the "sick" senior minister was in the audience.  It was a large audience and they were very receptive.  And the Holy Spirit was moving in a powerful way both in my heart but also in the audience. 

     When the Invitation was given to "return to the Lord if you've drifted away.  He will give you another chance."  26 people responded - which was more than I had ever experienced after any other sermon.

     But now I want to tell you the rest of the story.  When I got home my wife and I prayed that I'd give my life back to full-time ministering for God and never stop.  We hit the sheets late that Sunday night.

     And that's when it happened.  The Holy Spirit orchestrated a simultaneous occurrence.  While we slept a Christian man who lived 475 miles away was dispatched to drive to our home.  He was on a mission with a message.

     Early Monday morning I left to go to work.  It was shortly after that when my wife heard a knock on our door.  At the door stood Brother Bullock, a Christian man whom I had only met once ... years ago.  He had driven all night long to give us an invitation to minister to the church where his daughter attended.

     My wife called me and excitedly shared the news.  I was absolutely convicted and knew, not only was the Lord giving me a second chance, He heard and answered our prayers faster than immediately.

     Two weeks later we accepted the offer and moved to begin our new ministry.

     So, if you feel separated from the Lord, drifting instead of marching and uncertain of your eternal future, please do something right now.  God will give you a second chance and as many more chances as it takes to bring you home.

     Jesus uses a metaphor of an earthly father with a son who strayed, left home and became a full prodigal.  But then He says the son realized his sorry condition and knew he needed to go back home to his Father.  So he began the long trek.  But as he put one sandal in front of the other he was uncertain what was waiting over the next hill.

     Jesus supplies the answer to the prodigal's wondering about how his Dad would greet him.  “But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him."   Don't ever doubt that your Heavenly Father isn't anxiously yet patiently waiting with wide open arms to hug you and welcome you home. 

picture of jesus welcoming us into heaven | ... wonderful way to ...

Lord, I Need You
Matt Maher

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1 comment:

  1. Pastor Myron WellsApril 18, 2020 at 4:13 PM

    Great article on 2nd chances. I enjoyed it.
