They Wouldn't Let Her Say Goodbye
Have you ever been discouraged, depressed, given up hope, felt like walking away, felt suicidal? Sometimes that happens to school teachers, healthcare people, lawyers, entertainers, ministers, counselors, mothers, fathers, elderly, youth and people in all walks of life.
Even our pets experience some of these symptoms. Wild animals also. Zoologists noted that a chimpanzee mother will carry her dead baby chimp for a week or more. A lioness kept returning to the clearing where she'd been with her mate when a trophy hunter killed him and took him away. Mother whales grieve over the death of their newborn or companion and their screams are heard miles away deep in the ocean.
Every year thousands of deer, elk, and other herding animals are shot by hunters. Do you think these animals are missed by their mates or offspring? Do you have any idea what year in the last century had the fewest deer killed? According to varied sources it was 1943. Why that year? It was the year following the release of Walt Disney's Bambi movie. Bambi was a most enjoyable animated mule deer who, in his first winter, saw his mother shot and killed by a hunter. The grieving Bambi so impacted children and even some adults that many hunters chose to not hunt that season.
How many stories have been written and songs been sung about a family's pet dog who died or who survived its master. Tears have been shed that time doesn't remove.
We are now in the midst of a global pandemic that is resulting in the death of large numbers of people. Many countries have enacted laws requiring its citizens to self-quarantine themselves. Story after sad story shows seniors in nursing centers having to wave at their children and grandchildren through the windows as family cannot enter the building. Sorrowfully for some of those seniors it will be their last wave. It is the same in most all of the hospitals. It is horribly obvious if your loved one is infected and transported to a hospital to remember two things: You won't be allowed to accompany or visit them, and you might as well say, "I love you and goodbye," as you may never see them again in this life.
It is so sad that in some places funerals are not even held as the number of corpses pile up and are being mass cremated according to some sources. Centenarians are saying, "In all of my 100 years I've never seen anything like this and I pray we'll never see it again."
I think that 4-letter word has gripped the whole world: FEAR. When Jesus walked the earth he slept in a boat that carried his disciples into a horrendous storm. The storm was seismic in effect causing the boat to be bounced around like a fumbled football. Though some of them were fishermen by trade, fear gripped them all: "The disciples went and woke him, saying, “Lord, save us! We’re going to drown!” (Matthew 8:25, NIV)
Jesus dealt with it by asking them why they were fearful and then he ordered the storm to stop. And it did The poet wrote: "The disciples were tossed on a cold raging sea. But Jesus was sleeping so peacefully. They cried master Oh don't you care that we die? He spoke these soft words peace be still. It was the storm that had to die."
This pandemic has troubled the world to such an extent that fear, hopelessness and unrequited grief are ubiquitous. "See you later," isn't heard much. Tomorrow is as uncertain as the promised check in the mail. Dreariness arises before the sun in many minds. Hope clashes with dismay. But...
Don't give up hope no matter how bad things seem today because "It is the storm that has to die!"
Here are some song videos that help with desperate moments. They will encourage you to not be afraid, not give up hope and trust in the Lord. I've selected song videos with lyrics so you'll have no trouble understanding the words as you watch.
This song will lessen your fear and strengthen your faith. Jesus wants you to not give up.
"The God On The Mountain"
Sung by Lynda Randall
Here is a song that reaches those who feel alone, and have considered doing something desperate. Jesus wants to help you today.
"You Raise Me Up"
Sung by Selah
Have you been told you're not going to make it? Eternity is knocking at your door. Do you want to tell your loved ones but don't know how. Is there a final message you want them to hear?
"When I'm Gone"
Sung by Joey and Rory ... just before her death
Have you lost a loved one. You feel so empty and alone. Death is so final. How you wish you could have just a few moments more... just a few.
"To Say Goodbye"
Sung by Joey and Rory
Each of these videos are sung by a human being who has flaws and is not perfect. Each has chosen to trust the Lord Jesus to forgive their sins and help them in their daily walk on this planet and then carry them home to Heaven for all eternity. Please, in these fearful times, consider yielding to the Lord Jesus Christ.
"He Will Carry You"
Sung by Scott Wesley Brown
And for those who still have doubts ...
"Jesus Saves"
Sung by Candy Christmas and David Phelps
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It is only $3.99 and makes an ideal heart-touching gift during these troubling times!
Nancy Ellis i have surely enjoyed reading all of these Larry. you have had quite the experiences in life. i think more people should write about their experiences in life and pass them on to their children. most would make their children gasp that their parents even made it.!!!